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Songs To Orphans 1

Zero And Blind Terry

The Skulls have met the Pythons
Down at the first Street Station
Alliances have been made in alleyways
All across the nation
These boys live off the milk of a silver jet
And the love of sweet young women
The Pythons are down from old Englishtown
And theyre looking to do some living

Well the leader of the Pythons
Is the kid they just call Zero
Now Terrys pop says these kids
Are some kind of monsters
But Terry says "No, Pop (Daddy)
Theyre just plain heroes "

Zero and Terry had found a love
That burned like wild fire
Now Terrys daddy understood
That this Zero was no good
A tramp, a thief, and a liar

Well from out of the darkness
That breaks the dawn
Zero rode like twillight
He said tonights the night
Blind Terry c
Terry come on
Tonights the night
Pack your bags baby

And together they ran like raindeers
Through the streets
Well like tomorrow the earth
Is gonna catch on fire

Now Terrys dad hired some troopers
To kill Zero and bring Terry back home
They caught up in the night, like firelight
Them starlight troopers, with their guns that are ...
Zero marches through Blind terrys field
They met the Pythons down on Route Nine
But they refused to yield
Now the Pythons fought with blazed guns
And the Troopers with swords of light
And Zero and Terry they ran away
And the gang fought all through the night

Now some folks say
That they got away
Other said they were caught and brought back
Ah, still young pilgrims to this day
Go to that spot way down by the railroad tracks
Where the Troopers met the Pythons
Old-timers cry on a hot August night
If you look hard enough if you try
Youll see Zero and Terry and all the Pythons
Just hiking them streets up in the sky

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