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Mountain Equipment

these shoes lasted 19 climbing days while the former (Boreal) lasted 40 climbing days. they look very small, that shold be like that or else you will not be able to hole small cracks in the rock. first day in every new shoes are terrebly annoying with pain until the shoe start getting the shape of your leg
"shant"- a rope reserve holding - this can replace the old "prusik" tie
MSR repair kit
what a shame for a 150 US$ shoes
3 ice screws- this are the bolt type version for the snow (-:
Bhutan gas for fast use
a pait of mammut rock climbing shoes, got a present for my XX birthday from my brother and sister
2 gaiters for water protection to use in the snow and in a rainy jungle also (helped me in the Kilimangaro)
a compact gas lamp
from left to right: foot "Jummar", friend, hand Jumar -the "Jumars" are for climbing directly on the rope. i used them first time in the "huta-6" cave (70 meters)
as written: warm blanket for emergency
MSR stove at work, works with any kind of feul
a pair of crampones to add under the shoes for walkin in the snow in slopes up to 70 degrees high- as the seller told me
2 poles for skying and high altitude climbing
compact "KOVEA" Titanium stove for the bhutan gas
a pair of climbing gloves for snow use
aluminum bottle for gasoline
MSR stove before fixing and checking

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