Post 25/10/2009:
from last scene:
I improved
Ippon sms program but yet to show it to my customer. he saw the first version and asked me to add features and change some others. i made it pretty much all configurable so he will choose whatever theme/pictures/fonts/opacity he likes and the program will save these changes to later use.
The problem is that now he doesnt have all the money to pay..
the second project was canceled and this one took the other portion of the money because i worked on features i wasnt suppose to add (like changing pictures and some more). if you are interested, the price is 4500 NIS before taxes for developing include hardware. the hardware costs about half the price.
And the ability for me to sell it for everyone i want.
Last week my Internet suffered from disconnections and since it comes from my parents i cannot go down to check it at every hour, especially if it happens at night. also OS Vista needs restarts here and there...
On Friday i drove to the Salsa place and it was closed, i came home and checked in the site and it was mentioned but i guess i did not notice i just checked for who is connected )-:
this week i have collected a lot of interesting (to my opinion) clips from youtube, here is the list:
animals 1
animals 2
parasites 1
parasites 2
parasites 3
Puffers 1
Puffers 2
Sad Stories 1
Sad Stories 2
wounds 1
wounds 2
wounds 3
A bullshit talker: about the last post (or one before that, whatever..) i wrote there i put seeds of radish in my plant pot and wait for them to grow. well until i will put any reddish in my mouth i have a long way to go because my knowledge of agriculture is about zero.
concerning the "what do we have here" my working boxes include these stuff:
2 for welding
3 motorcycle
1 general tools
1 house
1 desktop
1 gardening
2 electronics
1 biology
1 fish treatment/ aquarium
1 a small working table with compressor inside
the Judo section has some small
news as well.
so its going to be along walk home, yea pretty darling do not wait up for me its gonna be along walk home... (