Well, since this is my first post this month i will start from the beginning:
after paing a visit to my old Judo school i started return to my usual training.
As usual it takes place on the winter (in summer july and August is 1 hour earlier) Monday,Thursday 19:30 to about 21:30.
and Fridays changed to these hours: from 4:45 to about 18:30.
sometims the practice is a hour and a half and sometimes more
the 2 hours- depends on the will of the couch and power left for us.
I go there by bicycle so i have to leave about 1 hour earler. the good thing is that i get
there already warmd up, the bad is that i can be stuck in the middle of the way- just like
happend to me this Monday: the pedal got out from its socket
in the middle of the way and i could not
cycle no more. I just returned back home early dragging the bike by foot and felt sorry for my practice loss.
These where the used bicycle that i took last time and i think i will take my more expensive "new" pair
next time. not that the used are not good but everything takes much more time to fix there.
for example to change a tire for a puncture needs "special" tools that i have to take
with me on the road and then i need to adjust the wheel to the right place (which obviously consume more time) while
on the new pair its much more simple, no spaicial tools is required and its Very easy to
adjust the wheel back to its proper place on the fork(whether its the front or the rear one).
I changed the site to work with English and Spanish for some reasones:
* i need to stengthen myself in those lanuages rather then in Hebrew.
* not "many" hebrew speaking people pay a visit.
* i prefere conducting buisines abroad for the simple sake of mail support instead
of verbal one.(will i get work from there ???)
* the whole behaviour and politics here is against my basic thoughts!
And i am starting to feel better already .. (-:
I have reconstructed my
myoffice24.net site
Now,to tell the truth, the question above at the title have not mentioned until now,
unfortunatelly, i work only about 25 till 30 perecentage of my ability and time limits (i have plenty of time-
no complains).
Maby if there will be something or someone to worth living for near me -i will do better..
so i will say it again: "Is that too much to ask?"
my judo suit drying after laundry
just my Cellular with a GPS, took a picture to sell it the web
I have put inside my home the high and rarely used working bench under my aquarium istead of the small and not very stable old wooden table. the picture is not so up to date since i have entered 5 more pufferes. i am waiting for a new Cannon 7.1 mega pixels camera to arrive for taking some more valid pics. the other camera was my brother's and now he needs it all the time for conducting his friends wedding clips and on this weekend he travels to his far girlfriend at Chicago for two weeks so he will sure use it there.
i hang my brother's a hammock. i think i will start to use it when it becomes a little colder (when there won't be need for using the aircondition). also i have finished watching all my series and movies that where saved at my hard drive so there will be books to read in my spare time instead of watching the screen
This was my old Vespa after being sold to a Wiskey company (they bought it for advertizment purposes) BUT after renoavtion at r.d. designs
a glue i have ordered to try fixing my climbing shoes
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