HYLAFAX: win client:
-free windows clients r at:www.uli-eckhardt.de/whfc-->MAKE problems
when converting to hyla(tiff) becomes an empty page !!!
-share at smb \\server\recvq directory (put tiffview.exe at d:\ )
-at xp add printer apple lazer writer 16/600 ps: for sending fax
client Must be open
at 98 add local: apple lazer writer (client can be closed also)
choose port: WHFCFAX
-at the client at:fax|system preferences|viewing recived faxes:
c:\windows\kodakimg \\server\recvq\%s
give read permitions at that directory
make c:\hyla.log & at logs|define log add: c:\hyla.log
make phone.phb than choose define phonebook| choose it than write
phone at the upper line|push new/change at the bottom botton|ok