HYLAFAX: hylafax.org ver 4.1.5
at rh9 have a fat install include all develope tools!)
tar zxvf hylafax.tar.gz
./configure,make,make install
setserial -g /dev/ttyS0
faxsetup , faxaddmodem (class 1)
at /etc/inittab: mo:2345:respawn:/usr/local/sbin/faxgetty ttyS0
init q, /etc/init.d/hylafax start
faxadduser [passwd] username
at /var/spool/hylafax/etc/config.ttyS0 change these values:
chmod -R 777 recvq/sendq
than restart service
navigate to this directory: /var/spool/hylafax/bin
download from :www.hylafax.org/howto/faxrcvd :
faxrcvd-pdf ,faxrcvd-mail-pdf
rename these files: faxrcvd and faxrcvd-mail
(to get the faxses to mail as pdf)
open faxrcvd-mail watch the faxinfo line.
sendfax -n -d 6444864 file
like in mgetty put printfax.pl at /usr/bin (chmod 777)
change the following:$cmdlinefmt=hylafax;
add to smb.conf the mgetty section but with
err:check at /log/samba/test3.log,check
/hylafax/log/printfax.log:if was spooled
win client: like mgetty put respond,setup printer
-clients work on port 4559
-at /var/spool/hylafax/etc/config.ttyS0 change:
NothinSetup to ros computers
RingsBeforeAnswer 6
-when u start service hila it will send the queue.
-(sendfax 6444864 sample.g3, pbm2g3 sample.pbm | sendfax 555-1212)
-faxstat -d -> fax queue
-r -> send faxes
-s -> received faxes
-faxrm munber_of_job
-faxqclean -> to clean queue
-faxcron -> statistics
-docq all sent faxes in ps format
-to remove/add cover page use the -n tag:
sendfax -n -d 6444863 file
or at printfax.pl at: faxspool_args = qw(-n)
-donq/q21 : info about sent faxes
-sends faxes also with regular text file from the terminal
-recieved faxes recide at /var/spool/hylafax/reavq
-modem config file: /var/spool/hylafx/etc/config
-installes tiff2ps & ps2pdf convert programs
-if the printfax.log dosnt write your fax from
respond.write lmhosts
-(for old usr modem that u can recieve without send:
do /var/spool/hylafax/etc/config.ttyS0 add this line:
ModemATCmdDelay: 100 )
-every time u open files FIFO.ttyS0 or FIFO
stucks the terminal
-the hila server will stuck on faxstat
when fw is active
-cannot work together with mgetty because hyla
takes the answers for the faxses
even though i made hyla to answer after 6 rings and mgetty
after 1 and there were 2 lines at inittab. hila wont work
without link at inittab!
web send faxes:
open web-hylafax-gw-1.0.tar.gz
put the dir fax at /var/www/cgi-bin
& fax-gw.html put at /var/www/html
than http:\\--ip--\fax-gw.html u can send
only english and text files
web view faxes:
untar ewbview.tar.gz
put show.pl at /var/www/cgi-bin directory &
3 images at /var/www/html/graphics
chmod 755 show.pl
change faxroot=/var/spool/hylafax
at http://-ip-/cgi-bin/show.pl
u can download with hyla password the fax in tiff format
opening and deleting do not work