(student\windows2000\gpo util\gpo -->can show the last line policy)
can b draged to command line (run)
site-->domain-->OU-->child domain.
active directory users --> -->accounting group,
properties, group policy tab --> add --> all tab --> middle
picture -> call him:
standart desktop --> ok, new--> accounting policy.
u can right click on that policy and choose no override.
at a prop of a policy u can choose a user and on the security
tab u can check v on the deny group policy.
in console --> --> domain controlers -->
action --> properties take group policy --> default domain
controler policy --> edit see comp configuration -->
windows setting --> security settings --> local policies
-> user right assignments --> log on localy --> browse -->
domain users = all domain users can log into server01
-log on localy: go to domain (controllers) policy|computer
configuration|security settings|local policies|user rights
assignment|log on localy|add v define this policies|
add ilan|sima.
-password policy: at group policy tab of your organization
properties at AD|computer configuration|windows settings|
security settings|account policies|password policy|password
must meet complexity...password length...
also at AD right click user|account tab|check the password
never expires.