FTP: (gftp for x)
never connect to ftp as root
(chkconfig ipchains off, service ipchains stop)
upload wu-ftpd by ntsysv
service xinetd start
/etc/ftpusers --> users who will Not be able to log in
/etc/ftpaccess --> add users that u dont want
them to enter!(put anonymous,
ronen), at section user classes remove anonymous!
ftpwho --> who is connected right now
ftp remote_hostname , ftp
u should b able to anter anonymously
ls,mget --> to take a file
ftp>remote_filename put local_filename ,
put data_file
!pwd --> to talk to local comp, pwd
--> to talk to remote comp
bye --> exit
logs: /var/lof/xferlog
ncftp -->for anonomus user ,open
download redhat iso imsges automaticaly:
ncftpget -d 25 ftp://ftp...
burn them at nero 5.5 --> file --> burn image
-->choose write + finalize cd!
atherwize u will c an empty disk
(setup: wu-ftpd, (anonftp - just
if u want anonymous entrence!!)
cd /var/ftp
mkdir incoming
chown root incoming
chmod 773 incoming
at the end of /etc/ftpaccess add:
upload /var/ftp /incoming yes
root deamon 0400 nodirs
this will give anonimus users 2 write in
the dir but not to change it !)
-/etc/hosts.allow , /etc/hosts.deny
-if from station u get at the browser
the 502 illegal port command error thats
because u r behind fw-nat. enter
from a direct ip station.
-when connected and doing ls it sais
entering passive mode and the line got
stuck there: write: passive off, the u can do ls..
-when connecting from prompt is writes 2
lines like:kerberos_v4 rejected..-->
do not pay attention.