FROM STATIONS (for all versions):
all from z:\public:
syscon (3x), netadmin --> add user objects
setpass --> let u change login password for the user
systime --> shows the time on the server
makeuser(3x) --> creates and edits user files
userdef --> add a user, with template, c tamplates,
restaricts users with quotas
whoami --> shows the user_name, context and server that
logging to.
/G --> groups i m in.
/S --> users equal to me
userlist(3x), nlist user /A /B --> shows all users
connected by order
elena /A --> shows node and details about elena
time --> setting time to the server
or from console at the server: send whatever you
would like to write...
castoff/on (3x), send /A=C --> closing messages
from 1 of the stations
map --> shows mappings
attach --> connecting to another server while
staying in connection
flag --> shows properties of files
flagdir (3x) --> shows properties of directories (normal?)
chkdir (3x),ndir path /SPA --> info about files,
chkvol (3x), ndir /VOL --> info on a volume
(every user can c his hdd limits on the server)
listdir (3x), ndir path /DO--> shows sub directiries,
permitions, effective
rights in every partition, date of building
ncopy F:find.exe to g: --> copy from net partition
to another
rendir --> rename to a partition
volinfo (also 3x)--> info about all volumes at the server
purge /all (also 3x) --> purge deleted files
salvage --> salvage deleted files
nprinter --> locate the port
printcon ,printdef --> manage print jobs
printdef --> helps in programs that cant manage the port
(rprinter, psc server_name --> stop/start printing
current job,pause printer temporarily)
tlist (3x) --> shows trustee info of the user
revoke (3x) --> ~revoke w for f:\public from ronen
caston/off --> to allow or deny getting messages
cx /? (/cont/a/r/ver)
slist (3x), nlist server_name --> shows servers
in this context
session (3x), netuser --> to c drive mapping,
printing, send messages
at server: load remote.nlm, rconsole,spx.
pconsole --> manage printers and queues
uimport --> user manager
filer (3x)--> manage directories and files
capture queue or printer --> manage printers
endcap --> cancel printing for dos printer
partmgr --> manage partitions
from station:\\Love\sys\public\win95\nwadmn95.exe
--> brings NDS