boot menu:at MSDOS.SYS after
multyboot=1:bootmenu=1,BootMenuDelay=5, BootMenuDefaultor at config.sys:
[menu]menuitem = windows
menuitem = APS
than u put: [APS]... and [windows] sections..
cd "program files" --> for entering a 2 words directory.
format a: /u -->complete
/Q -->fast
dir /w /p /on --> sort by name,
ATTRIB -A -R /s c:\config.sys --> to remove the read only at the directory.
rd --> remove empty dir
DEL \Daniel\*.txt-->delete files
ren dir1\f1.doc f2.doc,
move A:\DROR\f1.doc C:\NIR
type 1.bat --> displays the content of a file
if EXSIST c:\windows\NUL ECHO Correct!!
batch file:
echo off-->cancel the command itself @ECHO OFF, echo.-->line down
batch file:copy con ttt.bat,F6 -->to end,enter
copy con bell.bat,pause ^G (control G,^Z,CTRL +C -->to stop
net print \\200\lpcanon #job --> to watch the print job
print c:\test\1 (LPT1) or u can:
copy palm.bat LPT1
net use LPT3: \\ros\lp (/persistent:yes) : for hashavshevet in xp
print /D:\\200\lpcanon c:\test\1.txt
IF EXIST C:\autoexec.bat ECHO Correct
boot menu:
at MSDOS.SYS after multyboot=1:bootmenu=1,BootMenuDelay=5, BootMenuDefault
or at config.sys:
[menu] menuitem = windows menuitem = APS than u put: [APS]...
and [windows] sections.. cd "program files" --> for entering a 2 words directory.
format a: /u -->complete /Q -->fast
dir /w /p /on --> sort by name,
ATTRIB -A -R /s c:\config.sys --> to remove the read only at the directory.
rd --> remove empty dir DEL \Daniel\*.txt-->delete files Path=c:\dos;c:\windows ren
dir1\f1.doc f2.doc,
move A:\DROR\f1.doc C:\NIR
type 1.bat --> displays the content of a file
if EXSIST c:\windows\NUL ECHO Correct!!
batch file: rem,cls,time,rate,pause,path,ver,vol,echo,PAUSE,choice,CALL
echo off-->cancel the command itself @ECHO OFF,
echo.-->line down batch file:copy
con ttt.bat,
F6 -->to end,enter copy con bell.bat,
pause ^G (control G,^Z,CTRL +C -->to stop
net print \\200\lpcanon #job --> to watch the print job 2 /HOLD
print c:\test\1 (LPT1)
or u can: copy palm.bat LPT1 net use
LPT3: \\ros\lp (/persistent:yes) :
for hashavshevet in xp /delete print /D:\\200\lpcanon
IF EXIST C:\autoexec.bat ECHO Correct