http://checkdns.net : for analizing your dns name.
administrative tools|dns| .server01 -->
forwars lookup zones -->
microsoft.com --> action --> delete -->ok ,yes.
action|connect to computer|this computer|
new zone -->standart primary ,mytree,
right click new host:
popay (check it by ping)
in console: go microsoft.com , go reverse
lookup zone , action --> new
zone , next ,zone type , standart primary ,next,
reverse lookup zone ,network id 192.168.1
in console: mytree--> properties --> general
--> allow dynamic update.
right click server properties, monitoring tab,
perform tests.
nslookup --> gives u the names in
this address.
-type --> sais where there is a dns
that answer this.
at console --> reverse lookup zone ns=nameserver,
soa=atart of authority.
at console: 192.168.1.x (log in , run as eadmin)
action --> new pointer. host ip number: 201. name
cmd: ipconfig /registerdns /flushdns,
set type=NS,set type=SOA
net stop netlogon, net start netlogon
computer reading in this order: local -->hosts--> dns.
run:winnt:\system32\dns\dns.log --> c the log file.
all databases r stored in c:\winnt\system32\dns
computer order is this: cach --> wins -->
in lmhosts file when at the end there is #PRE ,
the line being loaded
into the ram.
(change c:\winnt\system32\drivers\etc\lmhosts.sam -->lmhosts)