-oscommerce- a web electronic shop:php.ini --> register_globals :enable
remove install dir,chmod 755 includes/configure.php
-salvage deleted files:
grep -a -B5 -A100 "some string_in_the_deleted_file" /dev/sdb3 > /tep/recover.txt
mailx >/textfile.txt -s "my header" -r
find /data -atime +15 -exec mv {} /data_deleted\; ~~~
hacking: nessus,whisker,nikto
dhcpclient -r
licq: echo message 234-icq-number877 "your luck" > ~/.licq/licq_fifo
dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/cryptofile.img count=10 block=1m
losetup -e (cypher) /dev/loop1 /tmp/cryptofile.img
mkfs -t (your favorite fs) /dev/loop1
mount -o loop,encryptioon(cypher),/tmo/cryptedFile.img /mnt/crypted.img
need to load cypher and cryptoloop modules
at rh8 php.ini : short_open_tag =off --> on for running php scripts
at rh8: instead of Xconfigutator : redhat-config-xfree86
c hebrew on 98:
fstab: /dev/hda6 /mnt/win vfat defaults,iocharset=iso8859-8,codepage=862 0 0
rpm -Va --> check rpm changes..
ulimit -c 0 --> to stop core dumping
setup pump.rpm , pump -s -->for dhcp info (sais operation failed even with
dhcp-if u have mars installed it breaks ipx connectios)
delete mbr: dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda
2 force 100mbps full duplex:
ifdown eth0
mii-tool -v --force 100baseTX-FD eth0
-vr eth1
ifup eth0
to reset dpeed :ifdown then: mii-tool -vr eth0, ifup
/sbin/quotaoff -aug --> turning off quota
/etc/cron.allow , /etc/cron.deny --> if these files exists crontab looks inside
/etc/sysconfig/clock ("israel")
fuser -km mnt_point
mount rw /dev/hda5 --> read and write access
suid --> suid and sgid file modes honored
dev --> device file permitted
exec --> permit execution of binaries
auto (automatic (mount -a)
nouser --> only the super user aloww to mount the fs
user --> any user alow to mount/dismount
owner --> the 1 who accessed first
-t iso9660 ro,loop=/dev/loop0 output.iso /mnt --> mount a cdrom
(mkdir /mnt/cdimage) to mount a iso file:
-o loop,ro -t iso9660 image.iso /mnt/cdimage
authconfig --> config what authentication to choose
shutdown -r 17:00, shutdown -r +5m --> in 5 minutes
delete a file that is more than 35 days old from dir /usr/acctpmg:
find /usr/acctpmg -mtime +35 -type -f -exec rm "{}\;
setup rpmfind -q --upgrade samba
when u cannot reach root dir : mount -o rw,remount /dev/hda
/etc/security/limits.conf, /usr/share/doc/pam-0.74/txts/readme.pam_limits
dd if=/dev/cdrom of=cd_image
mkfs -t -c ext2 /dev/fd0 --> checks bad blocks
cat myfile | grep ^s.*n$ --> starts with s ends with n
when u cannot login to the server when u r not root:
at /etc/inittab --> can say 2 a program 2 be seen at 8th terminal
mkbootdisk --device /dev/fd0