CLUSTERS ROCK: high performance
do not install on less than 4 giga hdd
the frontend server installation takes a long time
u must have a very strong switch that it wont be a bottlneck!
docs at:
download the intel 32 bit 2 isos
start the server from a cd: write when u c the logo: frontend
during instalation u need to insert also the second cd : rol hpc
leave the server name as it is (frontend-0 ~)
after finished start the gui program to install the rest of the cluster
by typing: insert-ether, than choose : compute
start other stations booting automaticaly from the cd.
-to watch the progress of the other computer open second terminal than:
telnet compute-0-0 8000
-at frontend configure X, open browser| choose ganglia for monitoring
-for adding extra nic: add-extra-nic
-at /export/home/install u can add instalations at the post section. at xml: >.
-from /home run: /sbin/tstmachines for sending a task to all machines