on server01:add/remove programs --> sertified
services,stand alone root CA.
from server02: http://server01/certsrv ,
retrive the CA certificate,
install this certification path, yes.
add/remove programs,microsoft certificate
services,stand alone sabordinate CA.
at CA certificate request type server01, fill
some data where needed.
on server01: open certification authority from
admintools, expend serverCA
click pending requests, all tasks -->issue.
(check it on issued certificates)
on server02:open certification authority from
admintools,right click
serverCA ,all tasks, install CA certificate,
CANCEL,chose server01,ok.
on server01: run:http://add/certsrv, request a
certificate, advanced request
using a form, fill data,intended purposes:IPSEC
certificate, key options:
use local machine store, submit.
at certificate services, pending requests, issue.
on explorer http://add/certsrv, check on a pending
certificate, install.
run:mmc, add remove snap-in, certificates, this
computer, save as comp certificates. expend certificate,
expend personal, open. c that it intended 2 allow
secure comunication over the internet.