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$1 ==> a $2 ==> b ... myscript a b c d e echo $me --> prints the value of the variant #144: #!/bin/sh while: do menu echo "Please enter your choice : \c" read ch case 1) addnum ;; 2) veiwphone ;; 3) finduser ;; 9) exit ;; sleep 3 esac done #addnum: echo "Please enter your name :" read name echo "pls enter phone :" read phone echo "$name:$phone>>DB #finduser: echo "Plz enter name : \c" read name if grep "$name:" DB then : else echo "No much user :$name" fi #menu: #!/bin/sh clear #openning line & closing line cat < if file is readable -w --> writable -x --> executable -f --> regular file -d --> directory --- a=`date +%H` #a=`expr $x + 0` if [ $a -lt 5] then echo -n "Good Night" elif [ $a -lt 12 ] then echo -n "Good Morning" elif [ $a -lt 18 ] then echo -n "Good Afternoon" else echo -n "Good Evening" fi echo " `whoani`" ------------- tar cvL 5120 -f file_1.tar -f file_2.tar -f file_3.tar file_to_split to get the data: tar -xvM -f file_1.tar -f file_2.tar -f file_3.tar the M sais from a few archives rar s -v3000 file.rar #to mechanize as script: if [-z "$1"] || [-z "$2"]; then echo usage: $0 tarsize_in_megabyte filename exit fi let archivesize=$1*1024 let filesize=`ls -la $2 | awk {print $5}` let numarchive=$filesize/$archivesize/1024+1 tar_args=for((i=1;i<=$numarchive;i++)); do echo -n "-f $2_$i.tar";done tar -cvL $archivesize $tar_args $2 -----------

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