-at works under atd daemon: at -l --> show multiple timings
at 6:00 than press enter --> when 2 do the things writen after
now + 3 minutes mail Joe < Joe.msg (ctrl+D --> out)
atrm 8 --> remove the number 8 at the list
-/etc/at.allow ,/etc/at.deny --> sais who is allowd\denyed
from use command
-users can make crontab of their own (works under crond):
min , hour ,day of month ,month ,day of week
0-59, 0-23 ,0-31 ,1-12 ,0-7(0-7,7=Suturday,1=Monday),
the command vi file_cr:
17 * * * * find / -name lilo.conf >~file2 2>~file3 -->
at minute 17 of the
hour find lilo.conf and write it 2 file2 at home dir,
errors write 2 file3.
than root confirm the users task :
crontab -u doron /home/doron/file_cr
-l --> see what in list
-e --> add lines
/var/spool/cron/doron --> file is there,
delete from here if needed.
/etc/crontab: cron.daily , .hourly , .weekly
anacron --> does in system startup all what it
didnt do, for root only.
Interval in days , Deley (minute) , Label , Command
7 10 weekly.tasks
-full path to the prog: which nail and get:
>/dev/null to the end of the command line so
u wont c errors