documents: /var/www/html
add 2 the BOTTOM (after the last line) of /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf:
< VirtualHost>
ServerName ros.co.il
ServerAdmin ronen@ros.co.il
DocumentRoot /home/mosh/public
ErrorLog logs/ros.co.il-error_log
UserDir public
CustomLog logs/ros.co.il-access_log common
< Directory /home/mosh/public>
AllowOverride AuthConfig
Options Indexes Includes
< /Directory>
< /VirtualHost>
chmod -R 775 /home/mosh/public
chown mosh public
service httpd restart
check at browser: http://--ip-- |for costomized page.
-for hebrew support at rh8 comment out the line AddDefaultCharset.
check the dns : dig ros.co.il
-it is beter to built the root apache directory at user home dir for
easyer maintainnence by ftp (pointed by DocumentRoot user mosh).
by adding the line with "UserDir" u can browse http://ros.co.il/~user_name/
--> to his home page
put at any new user home directory that u r about to host another dir named
public. put here index.html and all his files.
than setup ftp and remotly enter his home dir for uploading files
httpd -S --> virtual host configuration
-t, -T --> check syntex
wget crakomili.net --> bring u the index.html of the site.
from x : apacheconf ,setup : apache, apache manual
create new dir here+1 line html page:
mkdir -p /var/www/html/virtual/ros
cd /var/www/html/virtual/ros
cat > index.html << EOF
< h1>866.localhost< /h1>
-at the explorer when writing the ip than a dir
inside it switches to the
domain name.
-when restarting apache u get "could not find fully
quolifued domain name..":
-u dont have permition to access this server:
chmod 755 the user directory
check that /etc/hosts is writen correctly