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EXCELL: shortcust: shift+tab --> go back a cell on line shift+enter on column home go to fors clumn at row Ctrl+home go to (A1) end last line that have data PageUp/down next sheet/a sheet before ->/<- first/last line on table backspace to active cell shift+8 choose the table G goto A choose all * choose area of active cell (the table itself) z go back 1 step y go 1 step on space select clumn enter will fix cell without getting down a row : current hour ; date end+enter last line alt+page down/up scroll right/left at sheet enter line down in a cell F2 go to edit text shift+space select line +-->/<-- choose a few cells from menu:insert rows,clumns,cells as the number that was selected before u can copy a data from explorer and paste it in excell page and right click make it smart tag refreshable --> to be on line with the internet. edit-->clear :content,formats,comments format-->cells to choose the accurate category format-->cells | alignment for writing diagonally (offside) | protection:locked cannot delete or change hidden will show the data without the formula than u Must choose Tools|protection|protect sheet! -to copy a format: click on the small brush icon. than select the style format thea u made from the sheet & the selected next cells will get that format. -format | clumns/row choose the width u like from fixed size to automatic autoformat (after u choose the cells) -sheet | remove/copy -sharing an excell:tools|sharing area. than tools| whatch changes |light up changes from user2 -copy a table/section : select it go with mouse to the corner until cursor change its shape to squere of arrows than push Ctrl and move the cursor where u like. edit |office clipboard for cutting & pasting -file | page setup | margins/header+footer | sheet |what to print,header that repeats inself clumns to the right of every sheet -at spacial paste u can choose to multiply cells than copy| go where u want to pase | choose the same amount of cells |choose |edit |spacial paste and:+,-,*,/ formula: -put = than choose the cell put operator (*,/,-,+) than another cell -to copy a formula choose the formula cell & click on the corner than drag this will be -relative referral -fixed referral: u put $ before.for cell B1 to be fixed: $B$1 A$1 --> line is fixed $A1 --> clumn is fixed F4 will add $ to 2 dimentions functions: -choos a cell | push the Fx |select a function | select the area or: =FUNCTION_NAME(B1:B3) or =Average(A3,B10,D3:D10) <-- with non continuos names: -u can select a few cells than on the upper left corner give them a name(+enter) or: insert | name | define than u can =AVERAGE(prices_of_july) graphs: select the area than F11 lists: start an array than with mouse select more cells & it will continue freeze a window: select cells u want to freeze or stand 1 line down+1 row to the left of what u wanna freeze and show among every page|window|un/freeze pane sorting: ------- choose 1 cell or the selected cells | from data choose Sort automatic sort:data |filter |auto filter:this will open comboboxes on first line or:data|filter | show all (or auto filter) functions: --------- if -counta --> if cell is full -countif(A:A,A2)<2 range+criteria all clumn ^ ^-if u count value less than 2 times =true -sumif counts the functions that have criterias -today,now current date,hour every excell refresh -text | concatinate (~will make 2 words 1) -countblank count empty cells -IF(AND(F$>22,F4<44),"ok","not-ok") -format |conditioned | select a cell |equal to | than choose template and it will put colors inside the true values than| add (for a fail condition)|choose the fail word than add red background data: ---- -data | import outsider data | new internet quest | choose from the browser the table/chart from your site |give it a name |ok. -data | pivote table/pivot chart to make your own table -data | add middle summery exercise:1. multiplication table: B$1*$A2 C B A 1,2,3---^ ^ 2 1 1 1 _ _ 1 2 2 _ _ 2 3 3 _ _ . . 2. from mor levi change 3rd row with $ 128 to nis: =IF(ISERROR(VALUE(REPLACE(C4,1,2,""))),"", VALUE(REPLACE(C4,1,2,""))*1.18*4.6) ^ first char-^ ^-2 chars |-- makes a number from string 128 err:when u do a macro:run-time error 1004 :at tools |macro |security |low

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