vi file_name--> make scripts
:w --> save :q-->out :$-->end of row:0
-->beginning of row; shift+ZZ -->out
:q! -->exit no saving ;
:!ls --> make command in VI & back
Esc+v --> visual mode -start highlitning
y --> copy highlighted text to clipboard
d --> delete
p --> paste
ctrl+g --> file name + location at page
+d/u --> next page/page before
f/b scroll up/down
e/y conceale first line/last line
o jump to last place
i next place
zt --> make the line at head of screen
zz middle of screen
zb bottom
:set number --> to c lines numbers
:jumps --> our jumps in vi
h/j left/down
k/l up/right
100j go 100 lines down
20h go 20 chars left
20G (shift+g) --> go to line 20
shift+g --> last line
+j combining 2 lines
+o enters a lin
x deletes 1 letter
u undo 1 delete
2u undo 2 deletes
gg --> first line
50% to 50% place
$ last line
0 beginning of line
/my home -->search in vi ; n --> next string
/myhome$ -->search in vi-end of row
/the\> search the at the beggining of line
:ab short_name long_sentence_here
-->creating shortcut
:map del 5dd -->write del
& make 5dd that means erase 5 rows
:set all -->give the user a working place :
(:set 14)
:map del 5dd -->write del & make 5dd that
means erase 5 rows
must be saved in Home directory .exrc
mcedit file_name : mc style editor
Ctrl+^ -->beggining, move cursor till
where u want , than Ctrl+K-->to cut
Ctrl+U-->to paste
Ctrl+o -->to save
Crtl+G -->help
emacs file_name
save (CTRL=^)^x^s
save to new file ^x^w (file_name)
cancel command ^g
leave a file without saveing ^X^C
delete a cursor to the end of the line ^K
delete an entire line ^A^K
undelete a word or line ^Y
moving,copying and deleting:define a region:
at the beginning:^space, at the end
:put the cursor
(to check: go with ^x^x to the 2 places) then:
^w -to cut
^y -to paste
for copying :first cut & paste then paste again.
to search - ^S and again ^S. to go backwords ^R
undo last changes: hold CTRL and (shift+_)