ctrl+[ / ] --> to make a text bigger
CRTL+z\ALT+backspace -undo the last command.
ALT+shift+backspace- redo the last undo
Shift+F3 - toggels the case of selected text
(first time the first letter than the whole sentence)
Ctrl+H - opens the find and replace dialog box
F5 -opens goto dialog box
-paste from internet site go edit|spacial paste |
choose rtf. also: tools|makro|LtrRun | start
-make a macro:view|toolbox|personal toolbox|
toolbox tab name:new macro.
goto tools macro|record a new macro name avi|ok.
a small window will appear with record botton.
start record-do at the word whatever u like than
stop recording.
go to view|personal view|commnands tab|macro command|
than u drag the command from the left to the word panel.
Without(!)closing the personal box window right
click on the command on the panel change the name
(otherwize it will appear as a long uncomfortable vb name)
-big icons at the panel:right click on the panel|
down choose personal bar~|options tab| uncheck big icons
-fix a new document opening old 1: run:\winword /a
change normal.dot normal.dot.old | backup the registry
at regedit: Hkey_current_user,software,microsoft,
office,10/9.0,delete data dir
-for slow outlook delete outlook directory from
registery (up -^),make a new profile than restart
before u check
-error : there is not enough memory: change riched.dll
to riched.old. run from cdrom:\msi\instmsi.exe and check it again.
it might be also a nimda virus.
-erro: no: 1305 : the disk is dirty, clean it!
-remove office: add/remove programs
-remove...run the eraser97 and eraser2000 on
the machine than backup your registry
and remove the 2 directories:
-setup /a : net install, copies all files to
local computer
-resorce kit gives u edit gpo
-automatic install: at setup.ini: display
-shows user the setup progres
cdcache - setup install files