WINS: (clients come with computer name and get IP address)
2 reach a comp in other side of router u need wins,
without AD:wins+dns setup: add remove programs,
networking services,internet naming service.
configure DHCP to add wins: open dhcp ,
at console --> server options -->action -->
configure options --> see 044 wins/nbns --> at server name
: server01 , resolve. at ip address *.*.*.201 --> add.
available options : 046 WINS/NBT.
at Byte : 8 (0*8 make H-node check in
wins first) , ok. check: at other comp :
ipconfig /release/renew/all
wins -->server01 --> active registrations -->
action --> find by name: *
c:00h --> NetBIOS, 03h -->send and recive masages,
20h --> share to other boxes
right click, new static mapping, ip+name,
try 2 ping it.
in replication partners: new replication partner
,ip+name, properties, advanced
tab, push+pull. pull replication=18:00,
push=200 (not before 200 changes).
right click active registration,
find by owner, all owners, now.