~/.bashrc --> users home dir scripts ud better
add there 3 aliases like:
alias rm=rm -i alias cp=cp -i aliase mv=mv -i
/etc/bashrc --> prompt for all users. at the line:
PS1= \u - username, \h -hostname, \H -
long name of hostname ,\! number of history,
\d date ,\t time (24 hours), \T 12 hours time,
\@ time (am\pm), $(date) - to execute this command,
also u can add the /etc/bashrc $(echo
-e "\033[44;37m SERVER \33[0m") 2 make a distinguished server.
at /etc/login.defs --> say generaly when 2 change
passwd or creat homeDir
make prompt with a date instead of :[root@200 /root]# :
PS1=`date`# -->for prompt to be the date(`
-->same botton as the wave sighn)
echo $PATH --> example of path:
/usr/sbin:/var:/home --> look in 3 placas
/etc/profile --> login script for every user
(all pass here)
/etc/services --> every service has a port
/home/name/.bash_history --> all commands that
the user recorded
/root/.bash_profile --> users login script:
put there: alias ls="ls -la|more"
which command_name --> where the command is in system