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photoshop: ========= memory:edit | preferences | memory & image cache Ctrl + zoom in - zoom out -toolbar:magnifying glass:will change the selected area size right click: fit onscreen -toolbar:hand:will move a pic that is bigger than the screen window-> nevigator -> moves the pics like the hand tool view -> show -> grid show extras options -> new guide : for drowing a new line -> lock guides edit -> performances -> guides,grid & slices -toolbar -> eyedropper/measure tool :will show at info the length and line angel -F : run between presentation views -tools: lasso: checkbox antyaliased : will soften the edges frequency: (2-100) number of poins edge contrast (10%) -tools:magic wand : this tool chooses area with same color tolerance -> choose the range select checkbox:use all layers at upper panel:select | similar:will select pixels also not attached checkbox: contiguous:will select only colors at the close area checkbox antialiased:smooth choosing adding to a selected area:press shift than drag subtract(-) from selected area:press Alt than drag left Alt+Shift: cutting between 2 selected areas at upper menu:select all/invers select->modify-> border(border width) /smooth(make round)/expand(widen the border) /contract(shrink border) select->grow :like tolerance but bigger ->similar:will add similar color areas at all pic view->show->select edges : hide the running ants select->transform selection :make changes on the selected area ->save/load selection -tools:<-->the compass like arrows:copy: drag+Alt chapter 6: menu:select-color range image-image size-change the size of image checkbox-constrain propeotions- save a proportional size checkbox-resample image-change resolution according to image size(to make image bigger-interpulation): nearest neighbor --> fastest but less quality bilinear --> better bicubic --> interpulation + contrast the auto botton there will set picture to resolution of the grid menu:image | crop: after selecting the wanted area it will make it the main pic -toolbar _|_ :choose the selection area:Enter-cut, Esc-return |_|_ | image-> canvas size will let u place the image at different corners of the page or change the size of it. image -> rotate/flip canvas -toolbar:brush tool,pencil tool: pushing Alt will start momentarily the eyedropper tool. choose color: also with window | color when there is ^! sign -the color will be different than the screen choose color:window swatches,on the right choose small list or thumbnail :stand on the 2 squere colors -> color picker chapter 8: painting: choose your brush than press shift for horizontal line. press shift between 2 points for making a line. push at the upper bar : opacity & flow than drow with brush. -push upper botton like pen / for airbrush capabilities / -toolbar: eraser:normal,magic,background eraser. u can choose the opacity & mode: -- brush \ pencil \ block checkbox:erase to history -> will revert erasing background eraser: -- contiguouse:only near center of the area \ discontiguouse:all over the area pointed \ find edges:only colors near what was choosed at the upper bar: sampling: -- once:sample only 1 dot \ will delete only color that was sampled at the background color \ contiguous: sample the area from the eyedropper checkbox:protect forgroung color-will protect the forground color at right u can also select what was saved with the magic wand- than erase brushes: ------- u can :load ,save, replace brushes to delete a brush-press Alt than click with the mouse -make a new brush:choose area with the rectangular marquee tool, edit: define brush. [ will make brush bigger ] will make brush smaller -right click on board will open the brush toolbox -at top right:brushes | brush tip & shape choose:hardness, spacing,diameter,roundness -to save the new brush click on the folded page icon down on the lower brush menu & give it a name. -making a new brush:edit -> define brush -at brush toolbox u can check shape dynamics or click on it and choose:size jitter,angle,roundness.. Chapter9: toolbar: smudge tool:a finger pic pointing upwards. -to smudge in straight line use shift checkbox: use all layers checkbox: finger painting:the color will go inside the picture toolbar : sharpen tool : blurtool :make the colors blur (opposite of sharpen) : dodge tool: make it brighter : burn tool: make darken : sponge tool: will make contrast and darken : clone stamp tool: click the Alt (will make the cursor to target) go with the mouse to other place and paint what we copied. u can choose a brush and opacity checkbox:aligned-will put cursor to the first place : pattern stamp tool:choose at top the picture than paint on the page : healing brush tool:first at the top panel choose sampled not pattern.click on Alt(cursor will change to target) than paint.. checkbox:aligned:will use only the same target, will not draw another : patchtool:draow the place u want to copy,drag to where u want to paste radio bottons:source-copy to the destination, destination-copy to source Fills: -choose use pattern or edit -> fill -choose the area than shift+del will fill it with the backround color -edit | stroke: add a border (with opacity) aroung the selected area -toolbar: paint bucket tool, opacity,tolerance: will paint the range of colors near the touching point from 0-255. checkbox:use a ll layers checkbox:contigousue: will choose colors at the same color area(not at all page) checkbox: antyaliased: will smooth adges can also choose forground/pattern -toolbar: gradiant tool: choose the gradiant,opacity checkbox: dither: scatter the colors reverse: same action on the other side of the line at top bar choose the gradiant type,press Alt for making the cursor:eyedropper Chaper 10: Editing Commands: -edit | undo | step forward/backword of history copy : copies the current layer only copy merged: copies all layers (instead of doing merged layers) paste into: p stes into a selection clear:cleans the content of selected area edit | purge :clipboard/history/all Layers: (type layer,fill layer, adjustment layer, shape layer) window -> layer layer -> arrange : bring in front :make the layer as first 1 bring forward send backwords send to back : make layer the last 1 layer | delete layer (or push the small garbige can at bottom right. use Alt to delete without any question layer -> duplicate layer : make it double or drag the layer to the small folded page icon at bottom layer -> new -> layer via copy /cut file -> place : a vector format like pdf than push Enter -connecting between layers will be with the sign 8 between the layers u can lock the layers with every 1 of 4 options at the top of the layers also layer -> align linked -to move layer choose the (toolbar)move tool. than u dont need to use the checkbox:auto select layer which select the layer when u step on it at the pic -layer -> merge down : merge the chosen layer with the layer underneath it (the name will be taken from the lower layer ) -layer -> merge linked: this command will merge all layers that have sign 8 into the active layer and the name will be the active layer name -layer -> merge visible:will merge layers with eye sign -merge layer set : will merge all the layers set into the background layer(hiden layers if exists -will be deleted) -if u choose a backround area than click del-will fill it with backround color-double click on backround ask for a name and become a normal layer or: layer -> new -> layer from backround -layer -> new -> backround from layer:will change a normal layer to backround -select -> load selection -> choose the layer (transperacy) choose the area at layer than click Ctrl -layer -> new layer set : a set of layer which u can make general activity on all (to add a layer to layer set -drag it) -delete layer set -right click delete layer set & contents -u can lock all layers in set -at upper botton or right click -layer -> new fill layer -- solod color: full color \ gradiant :color become strong \ pattern : with a picture chosen use the 0 icon at the botom to add a color layer -layer -> change layer content -> gradiant : to change the layer type Masks: (vector,regular) -copy a chosen layer,paste it than: layer -> add layer mask : reveal/hide all u will get 8 between mask & pic. whan drowing with pen it will clean the unwanted areas and u can copy the picture to another. -layer -> add layer mask -> curent path layer -> disable/delete vector mask (or the garbige icon) -layer -> resterize -> vector mask:make a vector mask a regular -layer -> merge visible /flatten image -layer -> group with previous :add to previous layer -layer -> ungroup : disconnect layers toolbar: rectangle tool rounded rectangle tool elipse tool poligon tool/line tool/ custom shape tool layer -> new fill layer -> gradiant (at the layers u can c a TV icon at the upper panel u can c 3 icons:add fill,add path, add shape layer layer -> type -> convert to shape at the shapes at the upper bar u can choose if it be a substruct/intersect/add to selection Paths: pen tool,freeform pen tool, on the upper bar u have 2 icons: make a shape tool or path pen tool: when u hold the shift u have a curv shift + 2 clicks help u break for 45/90 degrees Alt will give u 2 streat lines checkbox:rubber band will connect between 2 points save path on the > sign at the path upper right window Alt -copy a path Ctrl -move a path toolbar: add anchor point (icon+) delete anchor point (icon-) -also with del botton checkbox: auto add/delete toolbar: freeform pen tool checkbox: magnetic at upper bar: checkbox: curvf fit(2 px) width : the distence between contrast frequency go > on path:new path,duplicate path,delete path make selection | new selection stroke path add shape to path:combined path.. Writing: -press icon T -press the icon paper at the upper bar for advanced options layer -> layer type -- anti-alias name \ sharp \ crisp \ strong \ smooth at top bar: align to right/center/left -at the small window |paragraph tab -layer -> type -> convert to paragraph text/convert to point text -when there is a squere at the right bottom of the writing area -sais there is more words hidden -the upper bar curv T gives more curves options for letters -edit -> find and replace text -layer -> resterize: -- type \ shape \ fill content \ layer -will format to pixel \ linked layer - all layers -image -> trim/reveal all : wize change of pic size -layer -> layer style -- blending options \ drop shadow \ stroke -edit -> transform -- again (do the same as above panel) \ scale \ rotate \ rotate 180 \ skew (offside) \ distort -edit -> free transform : shift : change proportional Alt: change object on 1 axis shift + curve arrows : 15 degrees jumps Ctrl : distort while dragging corner -edit -> mode -- bitmap :modules for colors \ grayscale -image -> adjustments -- autolevels \ auto contrast -image -> adjustments -> invent (divers colors-white become black) -> equalize :will give contrast -> threshhold : make it black & white -> posterize : will lower the number of colour (=hue) -> gradiant map: map the white colors with the other bright colors at pic and oposite -image -> color balance -> hue / saturation -> desaturate -image -> adjustments -- replace color \ selective color \ chanel mixer \ auto levels \ contrast \ color \ variations -layer -> new adjustment layer -- levels \ curves Mixing Pics (chap 21) -image -> apply image : watch the source and target pics checkbox :invert : make a negative checkbox: mask: open a box to choose a layer or channel -blending -> add :will mix the brightness from both pics -> substruct : will delete the brightness from both pics Calculations: -image -> calculations : make effects on pics Filters: -filter -- artistic \ blur \ distort \ brush strokes : an old fuzzy look \ ocean ripple : wave ,calm effect \ pinch : the fish eye \ twirk : spiral distortion -> stylaze -- difuze : dizzy effect \ extrude : 3d cubes \ wind : taking shots on the run History: edit -> preferences checkbox : history state toolbox : history brush tool (go back in history with a brush) edit -> fill -> use history ~ Action: -window -> action -> insert menu item,insert path, action options ,playback options -file -> automate -> batch : will run a few actions together:enter a working dir, target dir. checkbox:override open command -will not do open while recording checkbox: supress color profile warnings -file -> automate -> create droplet :will do a independent program for batch-u need to drag picturs on it only -file -> automate -> contact sheet II : will make a dir of pictutes -thumbnails -> multipage-pdf to psd:convert to pdf+number of pages,resolution -> picture package :put a pic in different sizes on 1 page -> web photo galery: a gelery for the web,many options -filter -> liquify:distort the pic with a new toolbox: when freezing (brush on squere icon) it will paint in red so u cannot distort there the thaw will delete the freeze area on the right invert u can reverse the freezing area botton thaw all zoom (hand) mesh (color + density) Divide a figure from his backround: -filter -> extract :1. draw the line around what u wish to cut 2. fill with the bucket 3. preview 4. checkbox : smart highlighting (make smaller the line) than u can use 2 more tools -- cleanup tool -removes leftover tails \ edge cleanup tool use Alt to restore deleted areas 1. duplicate layer 2. filter -> extract 3. checkbox: force forground 4. toolbox : pickup color (of the background) 5. edge highlighter 6. select -> load selection , pattern/paint bucket tool

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