windows services for unix:psftp for
getting files
client for nfs linux:
install nfs on the linux machine (
install it on the windows 2003 server:
( stsvr2 )
on win:
while installing the software choose
to add nfs maps!
-get and give the 2 files:passwd+groups
from the linux machine to the instalation path(with rsync)
-at the AD there is another tab of
unix services,nis domain
-at the mapper directory at file .maphosts
add + at the end (access for all)
-add to /system32/drivers/etc/hosts
+ dns server the linux machine name
-start the service user name mappings
-check at services that service for
nfs -started
showmount -e :
right click nfs network|favorite lan
| add host
mount -u username -p password -o pcnfs=server
-u need to push button:list windows
users\groups that is taken from the passwd groups file that u took from the
unix machine.
map win user to linux user..and groups
than push apply +reload buttons
on the sfu console | mappings go to
maps |
on the desktop |my network places
| NFS network |favorite lan | look for the nfs share
-right click on any directory:new
tab:nfs share
-check event viewer for logs
-mount stsvr2:LKIT /mnt
or:net view /network:nfs\\server
or:ls \\server\share
ls \\-ip-\share
dir \\server\share
net use n:
nfsshare -o ro root anon SFUX=c:\sfu
SFUX /delete
mount n:\\server\share
-on linux:
-make an active nfs server with:
/etc/exports stsvr2(rw,sync)
/home/public stsvr2(rw,sync)
/files - " -
-at /etc/hosts add the
linux+win server name+ip
chown -R nfsnobody public
chgrp - " -
exportfs -ra
rpcinfo -p
showmount -e
service nfs start
at fstab: stsvr2:LKIT
/mnt/win nfs defaults 0 0
-/etc/sudoers :
% users localhost /sbin/shutdown
su zeev
sudo -u zeev -s /mnt/win
-cannot install gw and
server nfs at the same time
-for any share u have
fat(32) so no more than 4 gb for 1 file
-locking-open file locks
the file
-to replicate maps:mapadmin
-s \\server1 -u administrator -p password backup c:\replmaps.bak
load a map: mapadmin -
" - restore :c:\replmaps.bak
-performance tab :u can
go to performance option tab to choose:transport protocol,maunt type,max retries,retry
interval,buffer capabilities
-mapadmin stop/start /help....
-wu -deletes mapping for
the specified windows user
-advanced -list all advanced
maps users and group
-p password
authentication module,one to one user mapping or one to many user mappings-accociate
multiple windows accounts with single unix account