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mysytem.sh: clear echo "this is info provided by mysystem.sh. starts now:" echo "Hello, $USER" echo echo "Todays dater is `date`, this is week `date+"%V"`." echo echo "these users are currently connected:" w | cut -d " " -f 1 - | grep -v USER | sort -u echo "This is `uname -s` runninig on a `uname -m` proccessor." echo "This is uptime info:" uptime echo "That all folks!" 1.sh: FILENAME="$1" echo "Properties for $FILENAME:" if [ -f $FILENAME ] ; then echo "Size is $(ls -lh $FILENAME | awk { print $5 })" echo "Type is $(file $FILENAME | cut -d":" -f2 -)" echo "Inode number is $(ls -i $FILENAME | cut -d" " -f1 -)" echo "$(df -h $FILENAME | grep -v Mounted | awk { print "On",$1", which is mounted as the",$6,"partition."})" else echo "File does not exist." fi 2.sh:copy files from /root/pics to web dir, a new dir created every hour PICDIR=/root/pics WEBDIR=/var/www/html/pics #while true; do DATE=`date +%Y%m%d` HOUR=`date +%H` echo $HOUR echo $DATE mkdir $WEBDIR/"$DATE" while [ $HOUR -le 23 ];do DESTDIR=$WEBDIR/"$DATE"/"$HOUR" mkdir "$DESTDIR" cp $PICDIR/*.jpg "$DESTDIR"/ sleep 3600 HOUR=`date +%H` done done

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