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MOUNTING & CONFIGURATIONS: lilo -v --> to fix mbr -t --> test cat /etc/modules.conf /etc/skel --> where tamplates files r located /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions -->[OK] make it [ros] at /etc/sysconfig/init: #bootup=color, prompt=no--> to remove the color from startup and disable non interactive startup. at /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit --> can put red color for starting ros computers (instead of red hat release and a row later change Red Hat to Ros), also for starting integrity check: deselect (#) the else if and fi.leave only AUTOFSCK_OPT=-f at every function like init.d/sshd u put "#" before "echo" to avoid the [ok] lspci --> pci cards on your box uname -a --> check kernel version and box name at /lib/modules/-kernel ver-/kernel/drivers u have drivers with o extantion /etc/lilo.conf(or lilo.conf.anaconda) --> to make dual boot, put boot massages enter passwords: password=123 ,other = hda1 --> for other opataring system. after restarting u can delete lilo.conf change boot label : label=ronen_linux , and default=ronen_linux than run lilo -v date,clock, date -s 8/27/2002 --> set your date on the pc date -s 14:33:30 --> set time, hwclock --hctosys --> sets the date from bios at /boot/grub/grub.conf put"#" at splash image line for text boot only! after title write: ros computers and servers 054978325. -e2fsck /dev/hdc5 --> general check if u get an error like "maximum mount count reached -run e2fsck.." - with a boot disk -debugfs -w /dev/hda5 Format A: mke2fs /dev/fd0 - as root only /hdb - format zip drive mount -t iso9660 /dev/hdd /mnt/cdrom -t vfat /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy -t ext2 -o noexec /dev/hda7 /home -->at /home -no execution evalable -t ext2 -o notime /dev/hda2 /data --> by reducing disk access. rw --> read and write access suid --> suid or ggid file modes honored dev --> device file permited exec --> permit execution of binaries auto --> honor mount -a (automatic) nouser --> permit the superuser only to mount the file system async --> file changes managed asynchronously umount /mnt/floppy , /dev/cdrom , /dev/sda1 /mnt/usb from the cdrom/images, make a disket 2 boot from the net (rh9): dd if=bootdisk.img of=/dev/fd0 mkbootdisk --device /dev/fd0 2.4.20-8 do the same for drvnet.img & drvback.img.insert the above diskets at that order. (if u want to install newest distribution do up2date first,for 7.3 bootnet.img) cat bootnet.img>/dev/fd0 --> as above Ctrl+F1+F2--> c setup info during setup Ctrl+Alt+F7 --> switch from gui to command line hdb -->cdrom-->primery slave linuxconf -->set users,groups,file system.... redhat-config-soundcard,timeconfig,kbdconfig, mousconfig,modemtool system-config-display,redhat-config-xfree86 --> config VGA card xf86config, SuperProbe switchdesk kde --> to switch desks by default /etc/sysconfig/desktop : "KDE" eject --> eject cdrom (tksysv),ntsysv --> all mounting processes checkpc -V --> -f --> fix printcup? screen: to stay in the session after disconnecting, run it than ctrl+d,than d to disconnect, screen -r to connect to the session again

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