mail --> ctrl D =end
-v --> verbose
-s "la la la " < /root/sendInfo
echo "hello" | mail -s "subject" -b ron help
--> "-b" is for Bcc(recipients
cannot c the other recipients)
mail root moshe < text.doc -->send root
& moshe file name text.doc
R --> answer
&s 1-3 file_save -->save 1-3 mails in file_save
&t 1-3 -->show 1-3 meseges
&f subject :&f /hi -->search fot "hi"
&d 1-3 delate
&u 1-3 undelate
~!W -->goes into comp at session
~!finger -->goes into comp at the middle of session
This is a test -->run prog while openning the letter:
|!finger root
wall --> to send everybody massege at once.
mesg y/n --> make massages avaylable
pine -->other mail
atachment /usr/lib/linux/win39.bmp -->ctrl +x =send
write user_name
talk user_name