F1 - help
F2 - rename item
F3 - search for files and folders,
F4 - display the address list at the window
notepad+F5 - show time
F10 - activate the mane bar
ALT+enter- display properties,
CTRL+Esc/windows key- open the start menu
Ctrl+w -close windows
Ctrl+Shift+End: select the text from the cursor down
shift+F10-open a right click menu
win+M/D - minimize all open windows
win+E - open explorer
win+R - display run dialog box
win+L - locks the desktop
win+TAB - runs between the windows
win+U - opens utility window
win+F - opens search for files and folders
win+F1 - display windows help
win+pause/break - system properties
alt+0176 -> °
hebrew nikud:cups lock = on, press shift+ the upper number