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add the following line right after : ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /var/www/html/virtual/866.localhost/cgi-bin/ create a dir + a file with contents: /var/www/html/virtual/866.localhost/cgi-bin/test.sh: #!/bin/bash echo Content-Type: text/html echo #<-- must be here echo "" echo My username is: whoami echo echo My id is: id echo echo My shell settings are: set echo echo My environmental variables are: env echo echo Here is /etc/passwd: cat /etc/passwd echo "" check /var/log/httpd for info. chmod 555 test.sh try: http://866.localhost/cgi-bin/test.sh --> should work u cannot put there the halt command because the user apache dont have enough privileges to do that. even adding the apache user to root group doesnt help errors: -u cannot start apache with user root (httpd.conf) unless u recompile the packege. so to halt the system from html command sais at the /httpd/error-log halt: must be root.. if u start it as other (even staron) user the error repeats. Securing access 2 the web: create a file name .htaccess at and fill it: /var/www/html/virtual/866.localhost/.htaccess AuthName "restricted stuff" AuthType Basic AuthUserFile /etc/httpd/conf/866.htpasswd require valid-user create a domain pasword file: htpasswd -mc /etc/httpd/conf/866.htpasswd mosh add line at httpd.conf after : e AllowOverride AuthConfig try 2 access http://866.localhost with no dns arownd from ather box:

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